This touched me.

As I have noted before, every now and then I get a piece of fan mail that touches me. This one arrived a few days ago. I would proudly go hike with this fellow (for you readers that are not ham radio operators, CQ is an amateur radio magazine):

Mr. Blanchard: 9-30-2013

I hope you aren’t alarmed that you are
receiving a letter from a man in prison. I just felt the need to
write you. My name is XXXX XXXX and I am serving a couple of years
for a poor choice I made during this tough economy. I regret that
very much because I’m not with my wife. Anyway, the purpose of this
letter is first to thank you for your book, “Three Hundred Zeroes.”
I received it from family two months ago and have read it three
times. I received the book because I have always expressed an
interest in ham radio, and lately, hiking the AT. I now have both the
Tech and General Class study books and hope to have my ticket shortly
after my release.

Your book was truly inspirational and
caused me to also set the goal of a thru-hike. My wife has been
sending print out from and supports me completely.
I have some questions but I completely understand if you choose not
to respond to this letter. I have also read an article by you in CQ
about radio on the trail. At this point I’m curious what you feel
about a person with a criminal past getting into ham radio and hiking
the trail.

Anyway, I’ll ask some of my questions
and hope for a response. Again, please don’t feel bad if you just
can’t bring yourself to respond. I would feel strange about it as
well if I were in your position.

First, I’m very curious about your
daily hygiene on the trail. How often did you bathe or shower and how
did you do it without exposing yourself to the world? I can’t find
any info on what kind of food to take so I’m curious about that as
well. What type of clothing did you take and how many of each item
did you carry? Did you do laundry on the trail or only in town? If on
the trail, then what did you use for laundry soap?

I feel like there are many more, but I
know I’ll be very blessed by a response to this letter at all. My
wife has also sent me two different 2013 thru hike-hike guides, one
of them being the one your recommend in your book. At this point I am
commited to the goal fo a thru hike, knowing, that if I can do that,
I can do anything.

Again, thank you for your book and
article in CQ and I sincerely hope to hear from you.



One thought on “This touched me.

  1. Jim N5RTG

    Very interested in your response to xxxxxxx about his query. Also wondering if you compiled and would share your packing list. All I recall are contents of your belly pack, of the torn pack pocket, an HT and hf CW radio, plus your hammock, sleeping bag, and much later, your liner.

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