My readers often ask about the next book. I suppose I had better get out there and have another adventure soon so I can write about it. My readers are my inspiration! I hope that THREE HUNDRED ZEROES inspires folks to go out and give a long distance hike a try. Of the many wonderful reader comments that have been arriving I particularly enjoyed Ivan’s comments, he sounds like a real Appalachian Trail enthusiast. Thank you so much Ivan:
I have read every book on the Appalachian Trail that I can find! My wife recently purchased 7 books which I had not read, and yours was the last of those 7 which I have just completed reading. I want to say that of the many books I have completed regarding the Appalachian Trail, yours is far and above my favorite! Not only are your writing style and descriptions vivid, but the fact that you are my age is inspiring, as well. Thank you for a book which I was unable to put down from start to finish.
Ivan Lurz