Now That The Black Friday Madness Has Ended…

I hate to be a “Party Pooper,” but I just can’t stand all that shopping madness. The madness known as “Black Friday” has finally ended. Not wishing to be a part of that madness, I’ve delayed doing anything to participate in it. Here is an offer that makes a great holiday season gift and gives you, the reader, something as well. 
This is a two-for-the-price-of-one sale. Normally, THREE HUNDRED ZEROES sells for $17.95, alone. Now, there are two books for that one price. I’m offering THREE HUNDRED ZEROES and SKYWALKER: Highs and Lows on the Pacific Coast Trail. 
Bill “SKYWALKER” Walker, the author of Highs and Lows has supplied me with a limited number of signed copies of his book. For this holiday season you can get both copies of these books, or any combination of the two for $17.95.  This means you can order a copy for a gift, AND get a copy for yourself to read! 
You can choose the two books, or two copies of either one (two SKYWALKER or two THREE HUNDRED ZEROES), the price will be the same, $17.95 plus shipping.
I was not able to set this blog up in such a way that you could order it here, and be able to make choices. So, you can go to the book’s Web Site (click here) and do the ordering. There is a drop-down menu there that offers the various combinations and from there PayPal (or the credit card) will take care of the rest.
Sorry, I can’t make this offer on the site.
If the link didn’t work, you can cut and paste the following URL:
Dennis, K1

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