As an author it is always a thrill to know that your book has had an impact. Here are some quotes from some emails I have received:
I finished Three Hundred Zeroes tonight just one week from when I met you, the fastest I have ever read a book. There is only one fault that I found @#$% it ended! What a great book and what an author. The book brings back a lot of fond memories of forty years ago. Camping the Adirondacks, living not far from Mt Monadnock, Mt Greylock, …, Mt Washington, Camping at Pinkham Notch, Crawford Notch, Mooselookmaguntic, Rangley Lake where my sister and brother-in-law had a beautiful cottage on the water. Ham Radio op, Bob
N1ZK in Orlando, FL:
Hello Dennis, I just finished your book last night, once I started I could hardly put it down!! Great, great story! Your story was a inspiration and encouragement for all of us not so young in body, but still young at heart…Maybe a few years down the road I’ll do some section of the AT, I have a sister that lives in Blairsville, north GA., not far from the beginning of the AT. -Ham radio op, Ed in Marana, AZ.
“Great read! Here is my problem. I am having surgery in late April. Three Hundred Zeroes was for my recuperation. I am at ‘Mama and the Three Bears and I cannot seem to put it down” – Doug in Boston
“Hi K1! So I just started reading your book last night and can’t put it down!!” -Lemur in Baltimore
“You are unbelieveable. You did an hour of standup in a hiker hut in the middle of the White mountains?? I guess my comment earlier about you looking like George Carlin wasn’t far removed. What’s next? Are you booking the borscht belt?
You have one heck of a lot of talent my friend. EE, Ham radio guy, hiker/explorer, cross country motorcyclist,and now stand up comedian!” –Paul in New Hampshire
“Dennis, my book arrived a couple days ago. It’s a great read, I really enjoy it. Almost seems like I am there too.” –Ben in Ohio
“Didn’t realize you were such a bear and babe magnet” -Steve in the White Mountains of New Hampshire
“Your descriptions of eating large meals are a hoot!” -Rich in Vermont
“I’m already engrossed!” -Deborah, Thru-Hiker
Oh boy–am I exhausted! I went to church…–the door fell off the guest room shower…, some drastic pruning outside, back door needs painting, etc, etc… so what did I do??? I’ve been hiking the AT, having heart surgery, getting back on the trail—time to stop for wine, cheese and crackers! What an adventure.-Mrs. L, Fort Myers, Florida
And the list goes on…
Thank you all for the kind words, it does my heart good to know you’re all enjoying it so much.
Dennis “K1” Blanchard