Category Archives: heart surgery

Some readers write such inspirational letters.

I received the following from a reader that just finished THREE HUNDRED ZEROES. I was so moved by his comments, I just had to share them. Thanks Ian:

Dennis, I just finished reading your book today. I never do this but felt it necessary to tell you what an influence it has had on me. I am an avid hiker in upstate New York’s Adirondacks, a father of two young childeren (5 and 4) with my third(and last) on the way in April. 

Reading your book and your positive attitude about everything is a true inspiration to me and just went to show me how short and unexpected our lives can be. Reading your book has given me a new outlook on everything and has taught me to take nothing for granted. 

I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart (no pun intended) I hope to hike the A.T. at some point in my life and I will constantly use you as an inspiration.

Thank you,
Ian Smith

Thank you again Ian, you’re the real inspiration.

Dennis, “K1”

Signed books and statistics.

I’m curious. I don’t have a PayPal account set up on the web site, or here, for book orders. If I did, I might be able to arrange to ship signed copies of the book. I’m not certain why, but readers really do seem to like author signed books. Should I look into this; anyone feel strongly about such things? Please do send me a message, or you can leave a comment here.

A PayPal account would add to my personal workload since I would have to sign each book and ship it, but I really don’t mind if readers relish such things. I can currently ship anyone that wants a book and sign it. I haven’t formally set anything up, at least not yet, but if someone sends a check or money order for $20.00 to cover the book price (taxes, in Florida) and shipping, I’ll gladly do it. If there is a specific message you would like me to write in the book (maybe it is a gift for someone?), then explicitly tell me what to write, otherwise, it will just be my author’s signature. The $20.00 rate covers shipping at book rate, which so far seems to be about as fast as Priority USPS shipping. I suspect in the busier holiday seasons that may not be the case. If there is interest in USPS Priority Shipping, then the total price will be $22.00. See the sidebar on the right for address information.

There are about 300 copies in print now, maybe more, I’m not certain. If you’ve read the book, please do leave a comment here. I really do appreciate knowing how the book is being received, as any author would.

If you’re an customer (purchased from them in the last 18 months) it is really helpful if you leave an honest book review on their site for the book. We authors live and die by the rankings the book receives on Amazon .

If you scroll down the page for a book on , there are some interesting statics there. One is the sales rank: # x,xxx. This figure compares how well a book is doing compared to all other book titles on Amazon , which is something like a formidable 3.5 million titles! They arrive at this number with a fancy mathematical algorithm,  but it is primarily based on daily sales and reviews given to the book.

Another area of interest is the, “Tags Customers Associate with this Product.” The first 15 “Tags” are generated by the author (unless they chose to do fewer) and the rest are created by you the customer. You can add tags to any book. Tags are merely subjects and topics that relate to what the book is about. Some readers have added tags such as “Inspirational” and “endurance,” they felt this applied to this book.

You can also “vote” on the tags that already exist. You can click an empty box and add a vote OR if you have already clicked a tag, you can click it again and subtract your vote. If you click on the tag description link itself, it will take you to a page dedicated to that tag topic and you can see other books or products related to that tag. This is a feature that just doesn’t exist in walking around a book store.

Feel free to comment on some of the topics I’ve raised here. That is what blogs are about and if I can answer questions, fire away.

Dennis, “K1” Blanchard

Welcome to the Blog for the Book: Three Hundred Zeroes


Lessons of the Heart on the Appalachian Trail

I suspect many are unfamiliar with hiking or hiking on the Appalachian Trail and may wonder about the title. First, let me define a Zero Day.

On the Appalachian Trail, whenever hikers take a day off from hiking, they hike “zero” miles. This has evolved into defining that day off from hiking as a “Zero Day”; hence the title: THREE HUNDRED ZEROES.

The book went on sale today, 21 February, 2010. This is my first adventure in the world of self-publishing. Please bear with me as I feel my way and make all the mistakes a newbie to this world makes.

Check out the web site for the book at:, If it entices you, you can order the book on a secure site at the eStore:

At some point along the way I’ll discuss what it takes to self-publish a book, I think you’ll find it interesting.

Feel free to comment on things. I do listen to well-placed suggestions. Comments show up in the right-sidebar.


Dennis R. Blanchard